Phony "Scandal"


Jan 28, 2013
The WP Football recruiting trip to the Pallisades Mall is truly a manufactured "scandal".

The reality in ALL college sports is that interested student-athletes visit a university/college and get hosted
by current players. The current student-athletes share their experiences and insight on what life is like at their institution.

This part of the "recruiting experience" is a make or break component with many high school student athletes. They ask themselves- "Do I fit in here, academically, athleticall and socially . Do I like the players on the team. Is this a place I can see myself attending?" The difference between what goes on a "regular" schools and what happened at WP is that a bus was provided to get these guys to an off post location. A "regular" school weekend is much more informal and the athletic staff doesn't ask questions.

I experienced this 35 years ago and prospective student athletes continue to expereince it today.

At most schools the proseptive student athlete gets turned loose on a weekend night with someone on the team.
At most schools there are fraternities and sorities and various parties. Only naive and foolish adults think that most
college age young adults don't drink beer or periodically consume some kind of alchohol in social settings. These are young people- full of energy and life. In the case of WP the regimented environment is an unusual college experience. Very limited social settings on post/campus and downtown Highland Falls isn't too exciting.

If anyone thinks it's shocking that young folks drank beer at a bowling alley and enjoyed themselves I don't know what world you live in. If you think just because you attend a military academy
a young person must live a monastic life and isn't interested in the opposite sex you are a fool.

I am glad a professional form of transportation with a professional bus driver was used to safely move these young people from point A to point B.

Some underage high school kids drank some beer provided by legal age guys on the team. Ok- don't do it again. Get real.
Some female students went on the trip also. How horrible, how insulting, how crazy, how irresponsible. Get real.

Moving forward have recruits overnight at Kimsey and watch movies like "The Sound of Music" and playing "Scrabble" while being supervised by envious football hater Dwight Mears-

Duty- Honor-Country- These guys like all military personnel will live it- these guys like their classmates pay a heavy price for their service and sacrifice.

Ask the maimed and injured former football players, athletes and all grads as well as all military personnel about Duty-Honor-Country. Take a walk in the West Point cemetery and notice the section where recent young grads are at their final resting place.

A beer drinking scandal- get real.

Go Army-

B52 Aircraft Commander- 1984-91.

This post was edited on 11/1 10:07 PM by Nordo767
I got a kick out of this:

"The Air Force's rival this weekend, West Point Academy, is playing under its own cloud of scandal, as the school's athletic program has come under fire in recent days for allegedly using the lure of booze and women to recruit high school phenoms."

Where are these "phenoms" being kept lol?

Same article reveals the elevation of snitchery by people who really don't care about character issue etc. In fact they are secretly excited by any misdeeds because they get to use them as a club to beat-up on people and things they resent.

I Blew the Whistle on Football Players and Sex Ass
"I was vacuuming floors, taking out trash, just really degrading things" Enos said.

That statement alone tells me all I need to know about that kid.

The horror of taking out trash and vacuuming. I'm sure he would have been a fantastic officer - clearly the humility is strong in this one.