Fox's Tucker Carlson: "Pregnant women are going to fight our wars. It's a mockery of the US military."

The modern left (not the crew that elected JFK, FDR etc) ruins everything it touches. They think egotistically and emotionally - many have father issues (Hillary, Fonda etc hated their fathers) that causes them react toxically to authoritarian and masculine elements and values. The GOP is the "daddy party" that draws the poison out from the disordered, and the military is the #1 masculine totem they have to rage against and break.

The left wants to break the military at all costs. They would prefer to aid enemies and wage war on Americans and American institutions. America's enemies knew they couldn't win militarily so they set-up to cause chaos from within using Americas civil rights jargon.

Bill Clinton was the first to start putting hacks into place in the military and DOD ("Clinton Gnerals" etc.). Obama poured kooks in everywhere and that's when they created the fake "rape epidemic" to harm military. DOD was sending out advisors to teach that sex on one drink made a woman unable to give real consent. That was one way they inflated "rape" stat (they lowered the criteria).

When women went to court and lost because the "one drink" rule wasn't a real law, the kooks in Congress complained the military was letting men off illegally, The goal was to give civilians control of military justice - where politicians could further drive military into the ground.

While no place is crime free 100%. Its hard to think of a safer place for woman that USMA. Yet in 2013 Obama made it a point to send out academy graduation speakers who would basically call out all academy males as potential rapists (at USMA Hagel was the dope sent out to crap on everyone). Then all that "Its On US" nonsense came around. Its all psyops to degrade, and it works on the people who should understand such things but don't."

You would think a military would rally around common values but not anymore. Now West Point agitprop says everyone has to be "embraced" for their "differences." This is the old divide and conquer and typical of the subversion camouflaged with civil rights jargon.

Obama appointed a communist (Rosa Brooks - her parents were also big time communists) to DOD. Now she's an adjunct scholar at West Point's Modern War Institute which is where they turnout garbage "reports" targeting people politically. A Republican soldier is a risk so they need more crossdressers, pregnant fighter pilots, women getting slicked into combat roles after watered down testing etc.

Fat to say military and DOD above a certain level is becoming diabolical. After very violent BLM rooting in DC last spring 60 Secret Service were injured and the President was locked away in secure area. When he mentioned that the NG might be called the SecDef said "No" and withdrew ammo from DC. Then all the high ranking turkeys cam out with public letters saying how awful the "optics would be" of having NG in DC.

Now they have no problem with 1000's of NG in DC doing nothing but wasting time and money. Dems want no walls, or troops, or enforcement on borders now being controlled by cartels who are readying to drive millions of people and drugs into US, but they want walls and troops in DC for nothing. Its all kook psyops with political agenda. These are very wicked people.

I know there are many great people in military so I dont use broad strokes, But above a certain level "Duty, Honor, Country" becomes "Politics, Promotion, Pension" for some people.

This KGB defector from 1980s explains how subversion is intended to get people arguing about nonsense while their country goes down. You would think US military would understand these things but it gets sold out by the creeps.

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