Cadet quits, cites overt religion at West Point

"This is an extraordinary act of courage that I do compare directly to what Rosa Parks did," said Mikey Weinstein.

Wow. Good perspective. Jim Crow, segregation, violent suppression of peaceful demonstration = having to watch others exercise their constitutional rights while exercising his own by not participating.

People like this love to put themselves up on a morally superior pedestal.

He thinks this is how to force change... hahahahhahahaha! Yeah, good thinking buddy. Nobody cares one iota that you quit, let alone care enough to make any sort of change. Especially since his claims are suspect at best, even if true, indicate his own lack of a sense of humor or humility than anything else.

The kid was/ is depressed, had his cause, and now he gets to make himself feel special. I hope it works in that regard anyway, because nobody else cares.
People often make their failings into virtues. A person who needs others too much and spoils people to the point of being walked on will often claim they "love too much". People who get intimidated by bullies will often see their capitulation as a sign of a more "understanding" and patient nature. When I read this story a few days ago the kid sounded like he was struggling and came up with this "heroic" struggle as a compensation. There are lots of people looking to use a kid like this for PR. His depression is a sign he turns rage against himself and that's. In any case its open season on the academies because the inmates are running the asylum so better be ready for a serious slog.
Well said ashokan.

I did find it funny that the article didn't give more credence to those other secular-club officers and cadets who basically said this kid is full of $h!t.

They quote and discuss but never draw the logical conclusion that this is a non-story for the reasons you state.

"I hope to do this (fight that battle) for the rest of my life" he said.... how in the world can you be that offended by others religious practices?

I bet if you ask him, he considers himself to be part of the "tolerant" class.

Blake Page Speaks Out !
"The 24-year-old told The Associated Press that a determination this
semester that he could not become an officer because of clinical
depression played a role in his public protest against what he calls the
unconstitutional prevalence of religion in the military.

'I've been trying since I found that out: What can I do?
What can I possibly do to initiate the change that I want to see and so
many other people want to see?" Page said. "I realized that this is one
way I can make that change happen.'"

uh huh... clinically depressed kid finds a cause to make himself feel like a hero. Then, with an amazing amount of self-importance, quits the academy, thinking it will change something beyond the name on his barracks room door.

I refer everyone to re-read ashokan's explanation of this kid.