Bob Costas & NBC


First Captain
May 8, 2008
Bob Costas' most recent foray into social/ political commentary during halftime of the Eagles/ Cowboys game was enough to make me turn the game off - almost for good.

This moron believes that if it weren't for guns, the KC Chief that murdered his girlfriend (and mother of his child) then committed suicide, would still be alive. That guns are responsible for "exacerbating our flaws" and leading people to kill each other. Never once did he mention mental illness or even suggest that the guy pulling the trigger had something do with it, let alone suggest that murderer deserves anything but sympathy and a quest for understanding.

Is it at all relevant to these people that the cities with the most restrictive gun control laws are the most violent (Chicago, LA, D.C., Detroit, etc) and that areas with the most permissive gun laws are the opposite?

Strict gun laws only disarm law abiding citizens.

People killed each other well before guns were invented.

Oh... and there's the fact about the 2nd amendment... of course the Constitution is just an outdated relic from a more "simple" time, so we don't need to pay attention to that.

The worst part of people like him isn't their ignorance or the fact that they have the means and platform to spread their ignorance, it's their condescending, self-proclaimed moral superiority that irks me the most. I guarantee that if Costas was dining out one night and some mad man came in to murder random people, he would be happy if someone was carrying a concealed weapon and stopped the slaughter before it got to him.

Gotta love the ivory tower.

This post was edited on 12/3 3:18 PM by joeben83
But I do understand Costas' logic and yes, you are correct ... with or without guns, people still kill. However, what happens in the inner cities with gangs and the whole thug kind of hip hop violence or what BC was discussing would drastically drop if gun control was really controlled, IMO.
Do you mean inner cities like in Chicago?

The same Chicago with some of the most restrictive gun laws in the country?

How is that working out?

Even in your own words you describe a "thug kind of hip hop" culture; considering that guns are everywhere in this country, but that culture or those levels of violence are not, isn't it more logical to blame that culture than the instrument?

Of course this problem of inner city needs to be addressed, but gun laws don't work no matter how good they make Bob Costas and his ilk feel about themselves. The facts don't support their arguments about legal gun ownership. That should be relevant, but it's not because it doesn't fit the narrative.

The breakdown of the family unit is far more culpable than my ability to own a .45 to defend my family and property.
I wonder if Bob is upset about those 200+ Mexicans that got killed with guns sent over by Obama/Holder? Of course there is also no mention of the family destabilization that is at the root of so much violence in the inner cities. It was the policies of the 60s that unleashed all this stuff and not poverty etc.