I, maybe we, have heard the reason to try to work these long drives is twofold: keep the ball away from the defense (no doubt) and to wear the defense down. My question is regarding the latter. Is it possible the offense wears down too?
We had 17 and 19 yard drives in the first half. I don't know if we substituted any linemen and don't don't what Syracuse's substitution plan was. I never played football but think that if I have to ram into some big person, get tangled up in the mess and do it again 17 times I might be gassed after awhile. Especially when I do it 19 times and the payoff is a FG.
A few things come to mind. If I'm an Army lineman , I'd rather be doing this in a dome instead of Louisiana in early Sept: I'd rather be delivering than receiving: I know where the play is going.
Can't say for sure but the offense run and pass blocking, seemed to be a problem in the second half.
I would love to get in the ear of one of our offensive linemen on this